Get ready to have your daunting questions answered that were sparked from Books 1 and 2! Book 3 starts you back in time so that you can catch a glimplse of Iona growing up on earth. Then jump forward to the magical happening that is unknown to Iona, taking place on Maycly only 8 weeks before she is summoned with the eviction notice on earth. Then by Chapter 3 you'll catch up to real time where Iona and Wiskee (Iona's best friend and companion dog), are still floating on their enchanted bed over the land of Evil on Maycly, dodging fireballs. Little do they know this is the true beginning of their adventure of a life time! Chaos builds, and Wiskee witnesses his "momma," Iona, falling among the massive crumbling boulders of the exploding Skygem Alps to meet her demise. Without Iona, Maycly will be ruined. . .forever ruled by Evil. Readers will venture into non-stop action and more epic battle scenes with new creatures, and race through twists and turns that eventually lead to a jaw-dropping ending. . .or beginning however you want to look at it.
Worlds of Hidden Earth Book 3 The Queen
SKU: xm277